Wednesday, October 16, 2013

What part should ethics play?

Business Objectives : What part should ethics play?

To succeed selling their products, some businesses target children in order to attract their attentions and make children’s parents to buy their products. Because childrens are easier to lure and they have abilities to make their parents to buy the products, companies advertise products that can draw children’s attention. Nowadays, most parents buy products if their children want the product for an special day such as Christmas. Some children gain products by crying or make a disturbance in the mall. Thus, in the businesses’ point of view, targeting children instead of parents are more beneficial and efficient.
There are several methods that businesses use to target children.

First, businesses use TV commercials. They are usually simple, fancy, and emphasize the points where children will be interest in. The commercial is usually very interesting and sometimes attract adolescents too. Commercials put cartoon characters or cover things that children desire. For example, one cheetos commercial is about a group of boys and a cheetos character acting cool and dance when they are eating cheetos. Childrens will see this commercial and will buy the product because this snack is recognized as “cool stuff”, and they enjoy watching commercials, because it’s funny and there is a cartoon character in the commercial.

Second, when the businesses think the effects of TV commercials got weaker, they advertise their products by using games, movies, or dramas. For example, before I had a chance of watching “High School of Musical”, I already knew the movie by playing flash games. As I played the game, I got interested in the original movie. Sometimes it is more effective to people who doesn’t watch TV, or skip TV commercials when they come out.

Lastly, businesses can directly advertise their products. They can make a program for kids that directly advertise their products. This method is straightforward, and has direct relationship with viewing rate. They also can advertise by posting their logos on the school bus or donating school instruments.

Nowadays, people realize marketing products to children directly can affect children in a bad way. For example, some movies advertise Mcdonalds. When a child see this movie, he or she also wants to eat Mcdonalds, which can affect his or her weight, and can lead to obedience. Advertisement also can affect children’s mental health, and can lead them to a wrong direction.

Even though most of the marketing products can be harmful, some advertisements are ok. For example, businesses that sells healthy food such as cheese or juice can be advertised and can have positive effect. Public advertisement also can make children’s mental health healthier.

The essay’s question was “What part should ethics play”. I think businesses shouldn’t be moral, and they won’t. If one company become ethical, they will probably fail, and suffer loss after loss.

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