Monday, September 30, 2013

Organizational objects

1. Smart

Specific - should apply directly to what that business does - not general terms.

Measurable - must set a quantitative value to know when the goal is achieved or how
                    much has been achieved.
Achievable - can be demotivating if it is something impossible(or seemingly impossible
                   to achieve).

Relevant - job specific so it has real meaning to each employee.

Time specific - without the element of time, it is impossible to determine the achievement
                      of a goal.

2. One benefit of corporate aim

They become the starting point for departmental objectives on which effective management is based.

3. A business without a long-term corporate plan or aim is likely to drift from event to event without a clear sense of purpose.

4. Mission statements outline the overall purpose of the organisation. A vision statement, on the other hand, describes a picture of the preferred future and outlines how the future will look if the organisation and achieves its mission.


  • Too vague and general so that they end up saying little which is specific about the business or its future plans.

  • Based on a public relations exercise to make stakeholder groups 'feel good' about the organisation.
  • Virtually impossible to analyse or disagree with.
  • rather 'woolly' and lacking in specific detail, so it is common for two completely different businesses to have very similar mission statements.

6. Profit maximization - producing at the level of output where the greatest positive
                                  difference between total revenue and total costs is achieved.

7. profit satisficing - aiming to achieve enough profit to keep the owners happy but not aiming to work flat out to make as much profit as possible.

8. Large firms will be less likely to be taken over and should be able to benefit from economies of scale.

9. Businesses that do not attempt to grow may cease to be competitive and, eventually, will lose their appeal to new investors.

10. Three limitations

  • Over-rapid expansion can lead to cash-flow problems.
  • Sales growth might be achieved at the expense of lower profit margins
  • Larger businesses can experience dis-economies of scale.

11.  The marketing mix of the business is proving to be less successful than that of its competitors.

12. The marketing mix of the business is proving to be more successful than that of its competitors.

13. for first two years of trading. 

14. Because of maximizing short-term sales revenue and shareholder value.

Baskin Robbins 31 CSR


with a central frame of reference for organizational decisions, strategic goal setting and behaviors that respect all of our stakeholders. Corporate Social Responsibility is also a way to formalize our tradition of doing what's right for our consumers, franchisees, employees and the communities they serve.
Vision: Serving Responsibly

To be recognized as a company that responsibly serves our guests, franchisees, employees, communities, business partners, and the interests of our planet.

Employees: From employees to franchisees,  Baskin Robbins believe in treating everyone with respect and fairness so they are empowered to reach their goals.

Consumers: Baskin Robbins are passionate about offering our guests delicious products they will enjoy, giving them plenty of menu options, and providing accurate nutrition information so they can make the best choices for themselves.

Environment: Baskin Robbins recognize that everything they do has an impact on the environment. From the materials they use, to the way they  construct and operate our stores, they are committed to adopting better, more sustainable approaches whenever possible.


  • Honesty - Embrace the truth about oneself and the world.
  • Transparency - Demonstrate openness and vulnerability.
  • Humility - Acknowledge own mistakes and commit to learning.
  • Integrity - Say what you think and do what you say.
  • Respectfulness - Honor the dignity, inclusion, and diversity of others.
  • Fairness - Do what is right based on common principles.
  • Responsibility - Make yourself accountable to the community.
  • Leadership - Responsibility with passion at every level.
  • Innovation - Excellence in everything we do.
  • Execution - Ownership and accountability for results, success and failure.
  • Social Stewardship - Demonstration of good corporate citizenship and responsibility to all constituencies.
  • Fun - Approach every challenge with enthusiasm, energy and excitement... celebrate every step of the way!”